The Unite Executive Council have agreed that the 6th Unite Policy Conference will be held in the ACC, Liverpool, on Monday 29th June to Friday 3rd July 2020.
In accordance with Rule 12.2 and 12.7 motions are invited from all branches and committees entitled to submit them i.e. Regional Committees, Regional Industrial Sector Committees, Area Activist Committees, Regional Equalities Committees, National Industrial Sector Committees and National Equalities Committees. In accordance with Rule 12.7.1 the National Retired Members Committee and Regional Retired Members Co-ordinating Committees may submit one motion each to Policy Conference on matters solely pertaining to members in retirement.
Who can submit a motion?
Branch Secretaries and Fulltime Officials with responsibility for committees entitled to submit motions are requested to bring this communication to the notice of their respective branch or committee as early as possible; in order to afford them an opportunity to submit a motion for inclusion in the agenda of the Conference. (Retired Member and Community branches may not submit motions to this conference)
What a motion should look like
It is not necessary to re-affirm existing union policy for it to remain in place. Once agreed policy is only altered by motions which explicitly seek to do so. To assist your members when determining your motion, you will find a record of the policies agreed at previous Policy Conferences on the Unite Website.
We have also drawn up the enclosed guidelines to assist your branch or committee when writing your motion. When considering a motion, you should also note the following:
- Each branch or committee may submit 1 motion only;
- Motions should be on general items of policy only;
- Motions must be limited to one subject only;
- Motions to amend the rules are not permissible;
- Motions which are specific to the business of a particular industrial sector will not be placed on the agenda but may be referred to the relevant National Industrial Sector Committee.
Sending in your motion
Motions must be sent by e-mail in Word format (instructions and form attached) to stating clearly the name of the branch or committee submitting the motion and the name and contact details of the relevant branch secretary or fulltime official (in the case of a committee) and the date of the meeting at which the motion was agreed. For verification purposes the enclosed motion form duly completed and signed should be scanned and sent by e-mail or sent by post to, General Secretary (Policy Conference/7th floor), Unite the Union, Unite House, 128 Theobalds Road, London WC1X 8TN to arrive no later than 12 noon on 31st January 2020 with the text of the motion attached. Motions arriving after that date will not be placed upon the Agenda.